INGENIERIAS TECNICAS PORTUARIAS S.L., henceforth ITP, is a company that is basically devoted to designing, building and maintaining commercial, sports and fishing port and marina equipment.
Head office:
Muelle de Levante, 8
C.I.F. ES B61109856
Telf.(+34) 93.221 80 02
Fax.(+34) 93.221 49 12
ITP is the owner of the Web site and the domain.
ITP accepts no responsibility arising from the illegal or incorrect use of the information contained on the pages of this Web site.
ITP neither guarantees that the pages are free from errors, nor that the information is up to date. Information may change or be updated without prior notice, and access to the Web site may be interrupted at any time if a problem is detected that could cause the site to malfunction. Web pages may contain links to other 3rd-party pages over which it has no control and therefore it cannot accept any responsibility for their content. If a link leads to a Web page that belongs to you and you would like it to be withdrawn, please contact us.
The images, text and other contents of Web site belong to ITP and its licensors. Any use of this content for distribution or copying must have the company’s prior consent.
In the event of any conflict or discrepancy, the relevant authorities are Corte Española de Arbitraje (Spanish Arbitration Court) and Juzgados y Tribunales de Barcelona (Barcelona’s Court and Tribunal System) (Spain). |