Ingenierias Técnicas Portuarias
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      Seaside piers
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  Pier Component Index
  · Structure

· Jointed gangways

· Deck

· Side fenders

· Concrete floats

· Polyethylene floats
  · Introduction to piers  
  · Pier equipment  
StructureMade from A 42 b steel sections that have been protected against corrosion through hot galvanisation by immersion, in compliance with UNE EN ISO 1461:1999.

Lateral ‘C’-shaped sections allow finger berths to be added, and these can be placed anywhere along the length of the pontoon. Docking hoops can also be attached.

Moment of inertia Ix: 661.9cm4

Unit of resistance Wx: 82cm3

Lattice made from square tube 60 x 60 x 4mm

Moment of inertia I: 42.30cm4

Unit of resistance W: 14.10cm3
Articulated Bridges
Pasarelas articuladasThe election of the system and the articulated bridge measures depend on the variation of the place water level.
DeckMade from tropical Massaranduba (Manilkara Elata) wood.

Boards are 22mm thick and 140mm wide.

Density: 1,200kg/m3.

Hardness (Monnin scale): 14.6 % (very hard).

Highly resistant to fungi, termites, and other wood-eating and boring insects.

Unimpregnable, hard wood.

Grooved, non-slip finish.

Fixings are counter-sunk into the wood.

Stainless steel fixings.
Side fenders
Side fendersTropical ‘Massaranduba’ wood fender measuring 160 x 45mm. This is highly resistant and is firmly fastened to the top of the structure’s ‘C’-shaped sections.
Concrete floats
Concrete floatsCoated with AISI 316 stainless steel bar reinforced concrete and an LDVB grade expanded polystyrene core.

Core density: 11kg/m3

Weight of concrete: 40N/mm2

No. of floats per pontoon section: 2.

Sections that support access gangways contain an additional float.

Joined to the structure of the pontoon with 4 stainless steel bolts that are embedded into the corners of the float and welded to the reinforcing frame.

All the joints are fitted with rubber rings to absorb any movements and vibrations, minimising the transmission of any stress from the pontoon to the floats.
Polyethylene floats

Polystyrene floats
Polyethylene cover with polystyrene core.

Dimensions: Up to 12 different sizes with different pressures and buoyancy.

No. of floats: Varies according to use and
size of the pontoon.

Set out like a catamaran under the pontoon.

Fixed to the pontoon structure by four stainless steel bolts.

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