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      Sports Marina Cranes
      Double Boom Cranes
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MARINA CRANE (Pages 2 to 5)

AnchorageThe crane is fixed to the concrete base block, which gives it the anchorage and stability required by the relevant standards.

The anchorage comprises a ring of 12 corrugated GEWI AEH 400 N steel bars. These are mounted on two drilled plates that keep them in position with the corresponding nuts and locknuts.
AnchorageThe anchorage system is embedded in the concrete base block, and the power supply is fed through a hole in the top ring.

The performance of this civil work and the supply of accessories, tubes and mesh are not included in the price of the crane.

The fixed column comprises a circular tube. Its base is joined to and reinforced by a cone that is firmly fixed to the anchoring concrete.

In the middle part there is a rolling track and support for
the revolving top with individual hardened steel rings.

The top section finishes with an inverted cone, the bottom of which is fixed to the revolving bearing.


Turret and boom

Turret and boomThe turret comprises a double reticulated structure made from rounded tubes in the shape of a rhombus. The turning bearing and the pulley guide are fixed to the top, and the O-ring that supports the turning cart is fixed to the bottom.

There is an intermediary area on one side containing supports that attach to the gearbox.

A boom shaped like a triangular pyramid is screwed to one side of the upper part, and two pulley tackles and a bolt to secure the end of the cable are attached to the top of the boom.

Turret and boom
Turret and boom
The middle area is a reinforced centre that contains the turning bearing, and it absorbs and controls the compression and traction strains of the load on the boom.

The back section has a vertical cover and contains the counterweight to offset the unbalancing momentum of a mobile load, if necessary..
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